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Co-curricular Activities

1. Learning Beyond Boundaries

We believe that learning happens beyond classroom and have dedicated activities to help children groom and bloom with flying colours.


  • School Cinema 

  • Coding Bootcamps 

  • Scientific Skills Research 

2. Performing &
Visual Arts 

Art stages one of the finest experience in a childrens lives teaching them patience and the art of appreciating.


  • Music (Classical & Western) 

  • Dance (Classical & Western) 

  • Art & Craft 

  • Instrumental Music


3. Physical Education & Sports

We believe that learning happens beyond classroom and have dedicated activities to help children groom and bloom with flying colours.


  • School Cinema 

  • Coding Bootcamps 

  • Scientific Skills Research 

4. Languages

Knowing an additional language facilitates understanding different cultures and gives an opportunity to communicate better.


  • Tamil 

  • Hindi 

  • German 

5. Upskilling

Constantly growing and being updated with knowledge and various soft skills builds a strong exposure for our children, We have 4 different activities for our students to upskill themselves. 


  • Veda Handwriting Programme 

  • Optimized Brain Skills Sessions 

  • Haughty Leaders Boys Group 

  • Scouts and Guides

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