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Message from the Correspondent

It gives me immense pleasure and joy to pen down my thoughts, perspectives and insights into our group's newest educational venture the "Kikani Global Academy". At the core of our vision, will be the need to impart knowledge to meet the needs of 21st century education. Alongside a blend of values and virtues with technology and the sciences leading to excellence in our students.As Educationists, we firmly believe every child is special. Every child is unique. Every child has skills of creativity and curiosity imbibed in them. It will be our duty to take special efforts to nurture and fine-tune the above inherent skills at a very early age. 

Our Vedic philosophy says humans are social animals looking for bonding and creating meaningful relationships to progress and succeed in life. It will be our endeavor and emphasis on building strong relationships between teachers and students. A bond of love, care, trust and nurturing that shapes the mindset of children to thrive and perform better. At Kikani Global Academy, our innovative approach to education will make learning joyful and a stress free experience. Our teaching methodology will implement a mastery based framework of learning. A more personalized and student centric approach to meet the aspirations and interests of the child. 

On behalf of the entire team at Kikani Global Academy, we extend a warm welcome and invite patents to entrust your children under our care. Together we shall sail in this voyage of learning and self discovery to reach our goals.


— Tushar Kikani

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