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Celebrating Feb 14th

KGA celebrated the 14th of February in a unique and special way.

We celebrated International Book Giving Day by gifting books to the most enthusiastic readers of the school. Ms.Shalini Nair, the Principal, gifted a book honoring the voracious readers of KGA.

Grade 1 and Grade 2 - Anish Karthik and Vainavi of Grade 2B

Grade 3 to Grade 5 - Adhya of Grade 3 and Arjun of Grade 5A

Grade 6 to Grade 8 - Janani and Akash of Grade 8

Teachers - Ms. Lalithashree and Ms. Preethi

As it was National Deworming Day too, we distributed deworming tablets to all the staff and students.

To round out the day, our little Kikanians of LKG were given a platform to know different kinds of fruits. Each student brought one fruit and fruit salads were made of it. Students treated our Correspondent Mr. Tushar Kikani, the Principal, Ms. Shalini Nair, and Vice Principal, Ms. Asha Mary with their sweet words and delicious salads.

What more can we ask for! This was the best way to celebrate the day.

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