The flying colours of freedom and joy were hoisted very high at KGA on August 15, 2022, celebrating the ‘75th Independence Day’. The day highlighted ~ the never to be forgotten, glory and sacrifices made by the great martyrs, the warriors of India.
Mr Tushar Kikani, Correspondent & Mr.Pradeep Kikani, Trustee adorned the occasion with their presence. The event started with a flag hoisting ceremony by Mr Tushar Kikani where everyone stood tall to salute our tricolour.
In order to inspire a sense of human excellence, "One-ness," and nationalism in each of our hearts, students presented a number of outstanding acts, including dance, declamation, music, etc. Everyone was given a lift by the performances thanks to their beautiful glory and liberating enthusiasm.
Mr. Tushar Kikani's address was focused on inspiring our young generation to take ownership of hard-won independence, and it had an impact on everyone. He inspired the kids to march in the direction of a great future in which their nation would be proud of them. He oversees the school vow, which is related to our rich, old tradition of Kikani Schools. Students receive wings from us while maintaining a connection to their roots.
Mr Pradeep Kikani shared the thought that kids of our nation should compulsorily go to school to celebrate ‘National Independence Day’ and they should always remember the sacrifices of our national heroes to make this world a better place.
Principal, Ms. Shalini Nair's enlightening comments paved the door to finding our inner light. She emphasised self-confidence and always kept to the truth in her lessons.
The students were guided to discover and “Express the Divinity from within” and use that secret power to help mankind.
Spreading the love for India!