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  • KGA Author

Perfect Start of AY

The day began auspiciously with a pooja. The entire team thumped with positivity and enthusiasm. The team grew and the need of the hour was a warm welcome and a sense of belonging which KGA never forgets to extend.

The Principal, Ms.Shalini, embraced her new team with her words of love and shared her thoughts and experiences motivating the team. The essential of getting rid of ‘e’ in ego to ‘go’ forward in life was beautifully revealed.

KGA doesn't believe in the ‘one size fits all’ policy and thus we custom designed workshops on myriad topics in line with the needs of the teachers. Training session by Chrysalis was conducted keeping in mind the cross-influence w.r.t a child's cognitive, social and emotional learning in a heterogeneous classroom. It was interactive and case driven.

The team is all set and geared up!

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