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Rewiring Creativity

An intriguing "C3" workshop designed to make an impact in Communication, Creativity and Confidence was conducted by Mr.Vivek Vijayan, Faculty member in the Office of Youth Empowerment (OYE) and coordination committee member for AYUDH and IAM and Mr.Sumesh KP, Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering from Amritha Vidyapeetham on 13th June'23.

"Your habits will determine your future". Students of Grade VI to IX were briefed about the need to have constructive habits and the consequences of destructive habits.

Exercises and Games that help in boosting focus and concentration was played.

Students were engaged in a group activity to design a newspaper and feedbacks were given on their presentation.

he Art of Meditation that would help them to enhance creativity, promote healthy sleep patterns, and boost cognitive skills.

Our Principal,Ms.Shalini Nair greeted them with a green token and memento. She wished the students for a fruitful academic year and asked them to make use the session tools. She added that the session would be a great start for the upcoming year.

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